What is tooth color restoration? How tooth colored filling restore your smile and how to care them?

Restore your smile with Tooth Colored Filling

Tooth Colored Restoration: Have you suffered from tooth decay problem for such a long time? If so, it must be treated immediately. If you can untreated, serious infection such as pulp damage and tooth loss can occur. One of the most popular solutions is dental filling or tooth-colored restoration.

A dental filling is the best way to improve your teeth color and is used to fill the fill and restore its shape and appearance. So that they look like a natural tooth. The filling has the ability to increase the tooth’s durability and strength post cavity. These composite fillings look better because they are made to match the color of your tooth. Sunrise cosmetic dentistry in Auburn dentist provides the best tooth-colored restoration treatment and restore your beautiful smile only in the single visit.

Tooth Colored Filling:

Tooth colored filling help to protect and preserve a decayed tooth. First removing decayed tooth structure through drilling, the resulting void is filled with durable material that strengthens the tooth and provides it protection from further decay. Tooth-colored resin filling is also called composite filling, are made of ceramic and plastic compounds. These materials bonded to the teeth were safe and predictable for dental use decades ago, tooth colored fillings have been used to repair damage in teeth. Cosmetic dentistry auburn fixes the tooth decay, close gaps between teeth, repair chips in teeth, change the size, color and the shape of teeth and make your teeth appear more straight.
As tooth colored fillings actually bond to the remaining tooth structure, they are harder and longer lasting than ever, with small filling staying fixed for a lifetime.

How to care tooth filling:

Once a dental filling is placed, it is important to take certain steps to prevent decay from forming under or around the filling or in other teeth. You should treat dental fillings as you would your natural teeth. Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day can keep your teeth strong and healthy. With Composite fillings, you can eat and chew as normal. It is a good idea to avoid or limit hard to eat foods as they can put stress on your fillings and teeth.

Regular Dental Checkups in Auburn Wa:

Regular dental checkups and cleanings are also important. It is recommended you visit your dentist every six months. During your visit, your dentist will examine your fillings to see if they are healthy and functional. Make an appointment with Sunrise dental of auburn dental specialist and they provide the best result only in a single visit. 
