What is Dental Crowns? Why Dental Crowns is needed?

Dental Crowns:

 Do you know what a dental crown? Do you know how many dental problems can correct by dental crowns? Dental crowns are a cosmetic dentistry restoration that can restore missing tooth properties and protecting teeth as well as tooth functioning. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “CAP” that is placed over a tooth and restores its shape, size, strength and also improves its appearance.
Dental crowns are an effective and secure way to fill gaps and help to restore your smile. Cosmetic dentistry crowns can also help you to easily bite and chew food. After filling the gaps, the dental crowns look like natural teeth.

Why I need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a type of cosmetic dentistry, helping to restore missing and damaged tooth using the Cap or fill the gaps. Sometimes you need a dental crown in these following situations. Cosmetic dentistry in auburn wa has several ways to correct the dental problems with a crown.

1.     Dental crowns are frequently used to protect the weak teeth from breakage or decay.
2.     If you have cracked tooth, a crown can hold the parts together and prevent cleaving.
3.     Dental crowns are tooth restorations to cover and protect the teeth that are severely chipped, cracked.
4.     To cover & support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t a lot of teeth left.
5.     Dental crowns also hold a dental bridge in place.
6.     To cover misshaped or severely discolored teeth
7.     Save a tooth that has been so damaged by decay that it can't support a filling.
8.     Crowns are often the finishing touch after a dental implant has been set in the jawbone to replace a missing tooth.

How is Crown Placed?

When you placed crowns, the two dental visits are needed to complete the treatment. At the first appointment with a dental specialist in auburn wa, they prepared the tooth, damaged or decayed portion of the tooth is removed and the tooth is reshaped in order to accommodate the crown.

There must be sufficient space for the crown to first comfortably alongside adjacent teeth. Once this step is completed, a temporary crown is placed so the tooth is still functional while the permanent crown is manufactured in a dental lab. When you go for the next appointment, they removed the temporary crown and the permanent one is bonded to your tooth.

How do I care for a dental crown?

After filling the treatment, you can care for dental crowns. Sunrise dental of Auburn provides the some few things you can do:1.      Brush twice a day and floss once a day to remove plaque, a sticky film of bacteria.
2.      Avoid chewing hard foods, ice or other hard objects such as junk food, pencils, drinking hard drinks. This is important for tooth-colored crowns.3.      Regular visit your dental specialist dentist. 
